Rewinding to few
years before, Stars would help us know the directions. Today, as we are
progressing we have a map in our hand before we start for the journey. Thanks
to the Satellites that has made our lives so easy! Satellite is an orbiting object in the space revolving around
bigger objects. As the satellites are placed intentionally in an orbit they are
known as artificial satellites. Moon
is our only natural and permanent
satellite. Multiple other natural satellites
are present in the solar system.
For other
artificial satellites, there is a launch vehicle places it into orbit. Satellite
is lifted off from a launch pad on land, at sea from
a submarine, a mobile maritime platform, or aboard a plane. Artificial satellites came into existence in the mid-20th
century when the first artificial satellite Sputnik, a Russian space probe was lifted off on Oct. 4, 1957. The International Space Station is the
largest man made satellite in orbit.
Power system
Altitude control
Antenna for transmitting and
receiving information,
Payload for information gathering.
A Satellite's
orbit can be an ellipse or a circle that moves around two points known as foci. The planet is located at one of
the foci. As a result, the net force applied to the satellite is not uniform
around the orbit thus affecting its speed. It moves fastest when it's closest
to the planet and slowest when it's farthest from the planet. The point closest
to the planet is known as perigee while that when farthest
from the planet is apogee.
subsystems attend many tasks, such as power generation, thermal control, telemetry, attitude control and orbit
control. Besides the GPS, satellites are used
for many purposes. Several other applications are that they can be used for
military observations, communication, for mapping stars and planetary
surfaces, to determine the weather. They also
take pictures of their respective planets. Satellite can be classified in a
number of ways depending on their purpose. Some of them are low Earth
orbit, polar orbit,
and geostationary
orbit, drone satellite, ground satellite, etc.
There have been several Satellites in the space by now. From
2018 estimate, some 4,900 have remained in orbit, out of which about 1,900 were
operating. Remaining has become debris.
Ketaki M Kardile
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